2013-2014 Ski Season Summary

By benwhiteskis on August 13, 2024
3 min read

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By Ben White Since moving to Utah, I have experienced some of the worst snow years on record, most notably the 11/12 season. Personally, I have only experienced better and better skiing despite the lower than average snow totals. Between learning a phenomenal amount of snow safety, mountaineering skills, and finding the right people to ski with, I could not have imagined that I would have as amazing a season as I had for the 2013-2014 ski season.

Kyle snapped this of me skiing Wilson Peak, my favorite line of the season
Kyle snapped this of me skiing Wilson Peak, my favorite line of the season

The first snow fell in October. While not a great sign for the stability of the coming snowpack, it was a welcome relief from the summer. My friends and I skied all over Alta before the ski area opened, just because there was plenty of snow to do so. It was great. Dawn patrols and weekends filled with skiing ensued. Other than a lot of smiles and skiing at Snowbird, the time before January was understandably uneventful. After champagne was poured and the calendar turned, things picked up quickly. The snow was deep enough to get around the vast majority of places in the Wasatch. My friends and I skied down the iconic south face of Mt. Superior for the first time, explored Mill B, skied a few chutes in Wolverine Cirque, and overall had a good time. I even got to take my dad out for his first time touring. There might have been a dry-spell, but there were still plenty of fresh turns to be had for those willing to earn them.

Sun coming up as we head up to Mt. Superior
Sun coming up as we head up to Mt. Superior
Superior is never bad
Superior is never bad

More skiing, both in and out of bounds followed in February. Tanner's Gulch was a fun one to check out, among others. Most notably, Kyle, Jackson and I explored Hogum Fork. Getting the lay of the land there was awe-inspiring and set the stage for one of the rowdiest days any of us have ever had.

Matt skiing down Tanner's Gulch
Matt skiing down Tanner's Gulch

In March, we went to Colorado for some fun in the San Juans over our spring break. Red Mountain pass was the center for some great touring and cat skiing, with deep snow to be enjoyed. Later on in the month back in Utah, I got the pleasure of skiing both the Pfeifferhorn and Hypodermic Needle in Hogum Fork in the same day with Kyle and Jackson. Unfortunately, March 31st provided deep powder, clear skies and a whiplash injury from a crash while skiing at Snowbird. That put me out of action for April, save for a few casual groomer days.

Steep and narrow, Kyle makes a very precise hop turn down Hypodermic Needle, one of many
Steep and narrow, Kyle makes a very precise hop turn down Hypodermic Needle, one of many

Here is a video of skiing the Pfeifferhorn and Hypodermic Needle

Hogum Fork March 2014 from Ben White on Vimeo. In May, Kyle and I packed up the car and headed to Colorado once again. My friend who lives in Telluride said that one of the gnarlier lines in the region was in and good to go. Not long after, Kyle and I had knocked out the Northeast Face of Wilson Peak, which was mind-warping compared to anything we had skied in Utah. On the last day of May, Mitch and I summited Mt. Hood and skied down. So far, it’s been a great season.

Wilson Peak was pretty fun
Wilson Peak was pretty fun
Standing on the summit of Mt. Hood
Standing on the summit of Mt. Hood

Here is a video of all the best lines and fun I've had. I look forward to next winter even more than I did this past winter.

Ben White 2013:14 Season Edit from Ben White on Vimeo. I look forwards to chasing winter as long as I can through the summer. Otherwise I’ll be spending my free time climbing, biking and hiking. What do you do when temperatures are warm and the days are long? Please leave your comments below

It's all about the smiles
It's all about the smiles


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