Blogger Profile: Ben White

By benwhiteskis on August 13, 2024
4 min read

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Ben White grew up in Massachusetts, grabbing every opportunity he could to go to New Hampshire and ski or mountain bike. He spent a few years racing, then decided to hail-mary in the backcountry and ski every peak in New Hampshire over 4000 feet tall in a year. Forty-eight peaks later, he moved to Salt Lake City where he currently attends the University of Utah, studying geology. Once his eyes were opened to rock climbing, ropes and harnesses made their way into his backpack for ski outings. Only just beginning his twenties, he's an ambitious guy who likes to ski down big, steep, scary things.

Ben on the North Summit of Timpanogos before skiing the Cold Fusion Couloir
Ben on the North Summit of Timpanogos before skiing the Cold Fusion Couloir

Ben, what's your most memorable adventure? -Skiing the NH 48 was one wild time. There was nothing like it, looking back is surreal. How the hell did a 17 year old do that? And it was me! If you could adventure anywhere in the world for a week or two, where would you go? -Wherever the snow is good Who inspires you? -Shane McConkey, Chris Davenport and my best friends inspire me to go and have the most fun ever. Worst habit? -I pick my nose when there's stuff up there. What is one adventurer stereotype that you embody? -I always have a smile on my face and I eat a lot. That you stray far from? -I like putting on fancy shoes and watching ballet. Favorite gear innovation you have seen? Favorite piece of gear? Biggest peeve about gear? -I really like the way ski touring gear has come and how the demand for it has pushed more innovation, especially in boots and bindings. I'd have to say that crampons are my favorite piece of gear. My absolute biggest peeve about gear is how everything ends up on your left side. Breast pockets on men's jackets, men's fleeces, etc. are usually on the left. Why not both? Your avalanche beacon hangs off to the left, why not put some chest pockets on the right? I always end up with a huge tumor lump on the left side. What law(s) have you broken that resulted in a good story? What's the story? -Trespassing into a construction sight at night. We had a rope and there was a nice tall crane. What's the next big adventure? -There are too many lists to choose from. Skiing the 50 Classics of North America is up there, the Wasatch 11,000 footers, everything in The Chuting Gallery, the Colorado fourteeners, there are just so many things to do in life.

Ben getting ready to ski the East Face of the Middle Teton
Ben getting ready to ski the East Face of the Middle Teton

What can you tell us about road biking? -It's lame, why not make use of your full range of motion and do something cool? Song that makes you most stoked to play hard? -Playing "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse followed by "Bro Hymn" by Pennywise always gets the stoke high Favorite food and drink post epic adventure? -Nachos If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play your role? -I have no idea, I don't watch movies very often. I saw The Avengers not too long ago. Maybe Robert Downey Jr.? Genie gives you three wishes and you have five minutes to decide all three. What are they? -First, an unlimited travel budget; second, to never get sick; third, to never get injured enough to not be able to adventure for more than like three days.

Ben leading the traverse pitch on Leopard Skin in St. George
Ben leading the traverse pitch on Leopard Skin in St. George

Best way to end a first date? -Ask her what her name is while cooking her breakfast Most visited website? -In the winter it's the Utah Avalanche CenterWhat's hot?/ What's not? -Girls in the backcountry are hot, summer is not What would you do if it was the end of the world tomorrow? -Go skiing Would you rather fail or never try? -Fail If you could spend a year doing something that you have never, ever done, what would it be? -Learning to use parachutes Worst injury sustained from adventuring and how did you recover? -I broke two teeth skiing, that wasn't so fun. I went to a bunch of different mouth doctors and they made me fine again What the fastest speed you've ever gone under your own power, assisted by gravity? -I clocked 76.2 on skis one time, but I think I've gone faster in better conditions for it. What's your favorite thing about KÜHL? -I bought a pair of men's shorts a while ago and was hooked. They fit so well and now I wore my first pair until they were threadbare. Once I got involved with the blog, I see that the whole company is a whole bunch of people just like me. It's all filled with people who celebrate mountain culture.

Crossing Little Cottonwood Creek after skiing the Pfeifferhorn and Hypodermic Needle
Crossing Little Cottonwood Creek after skiing the Pfeifferhorn and Hypodermic Needle


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