Blogger Profile: Matt Rosen

By benwhiteskis on August 13, 2024
5 min read

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Matt with a wolf pup
Matt with a wolf pup

Matt Rosen is a climber with a passion for the outdoors. He plays hard and is always up for an adventure. He is a pioneer of expedition style bouldering, putting up first ascents and trekking in remote areas. Matt prefers to live off the grid, spending his time climbing new problems and enjoying the mountains. He's always ready for a challenge and is always trying to push his limits. We've decided to ask him a few questions about what makes him tick

One of the many boulders that Matt has climbed
One of the many boulders that Matt has climbed

How old are you, where are you are from, and what are favorite things to do other than play outside? -I’m Matt Rosen, age sixteen, and from New Jersey. When I’m not playing outside, I enjoy traveling and experiencing new cultures and people. If it was up to me, I’d spend all my time traveling to new places. What's your most memorable adventure? -I recently got back from Mongolia, trekking and climbing in the Tavan Bogd region, bordering Russia and China. I have never been so inspired by a landscape’s beauty as I was in the mountains of Central Asia, covered in snow-capped peaks and beautiful granite boulder fields. The people in Mongolia are amazing, they treat you like family as soon as you meet them and they’re as stoked as I am about exploring. If you could adventure anywhere in the world for a week or two, where would you go? -I really want to climb at the Grampians in Australia. The rock sounds so amazing, and with iconic boulders like ‘The Wheel of Life’, there’s no place on Earth I’d rather see.

Mat on a cool looking boulder problem
Mat on a cool looking boulder problem

Who inspires you? -I’m super inspired by Conrad Anker and Will Gadd. Despite their age, they’re still super stoked about their sports and pushing their limits. I want to keep climbing regardless of my age, and that’s exactly what they’re doing. Worst habit? -I chronically bite my fingernails and swear profusely when I’m passionate about something. What is one adventurer stereotype that you embody? That you stray far from? -I get a bit obsessed with my latest projects, to the exclusion of everything else in my life. If I have something I’m working on and getting close to sticking, it becomes my sole purpose. On the other hand, I tend to slack on my training - I guess the best training for climbing is just to climb. Favorite gear innovation you have seen? What's your favorite piece of gear? -Climbing shoes - rubber is only getting stickier, and aggressive shoes with sticky rubber are the bomb. My La Sportiva Solutions are my most treasured possession.

Matt can often be found training at The Gravity Vault, his home gym
Matt can often be found training at The Gravity Vault, his home gym

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? -That’s easy, flying. It would be so sweet to be able to see the world from a bird’s eye perspective. What's your biggest insight into what’s important in life? -Taking care of the land. There’s only so much untouched terrain to play on, and it needs to be preserved. Imagining a skyscraper on my favorite crag makes me cringe. Song that makes you most stoked to climb hard? -Anything by the band Mariana’s Trench - their music embodies adventure. Favorite food and drink post epic adventure? -I tend to crave peanut butter after a big day in the mountains. And as far as drinks go, Kombucha all the way! If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play your role? -Robert Downey Jr. - he’s short and always up for an adventure. I’m definitely on the shorter side, and I like to think I’m always up to explore. Genie gives you three wishes and you have five minutes to decide all three. What are they? -I would ask for a sweet crag in my backyard, enough money to travel forever, and the ability to never get too pumped on the rock. Best way to end a first date? -Chilling around a campfire. I’m not sure there’s a better bonding experience.

Working on an urban bouldering problem
Working on an urban bouldering problem

Most visited website? Probably Rock and IceWhat's hot?/ What's not? -What’s hot? A stellar heel-hook. What’s not? Stating opinions like they’re facts. What would you do if it was the end of the world tomorrow? -Go to the crag and finish every project I have. As the world ended, I’d still be trying to send all my projects. It’s a good way to go as any, I suppose. Would you rather fail or never try? -That’s easy, fail. I fail all the time! Life would be boring if I never tried something more than once.

Enjoying the view on a nice hike
Enjoying the view on a nice hike

If you could spend a year doing something that you have never, ever done, what would it be? -Sailing around the world. I’ve never really been into water sports, but the idea of exploring the world by ocean sounds incredible. Just a sailboat and friends! Do you have any pets? Do you climb with them? -I have one cat, and she is convinced that she is a dog - she even plays fetch! While she’d probably love climbing, she seems content just basking in the sun on my kitchen table. Worst injury sustained from adventuring and how did you recover? -I’ve had some pretty nasty tendonitis from overuse. It took me a while to learn to stop climbing if something felt off. Just taking a break from climbing, as hard as that is, usually does the trick. And then I’m even more stoked when I get back to it! What's your favorite thing about KÜHL? -I love KÜHL’s commitment to Mountain Culture. Representing the climbing community means being responsible about keeping crags clean and open. Whether it’s helping replace old bolts or picking up trash, KÜHL’s Mountain Culture means stewardship of the outdoors. What's your favorite piece of KÜHL clothing? What do you use it for? -I love the fact that KÜHL clothing can take all the abuse I put it through and still look presentable. I can go climbing, and then meet friends for dinner, wearing the same KÜHL men's shirt. That’s pretty rad.



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