Chasing Sunrises with Angela Bekkala

By happyfitmama on August 13, 2024
4 min read

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Angela_BioAngela is an ACSM Clinical Exercise Physiologist and RRCA Running Coach who has a passion for running, yoga and healthy living. She shares her love of being active, eating well and enjoying life to the fullest on her blog, Happy Fit Mama. Angela lives on the Seacoast of New Hampshire with her husband, boy/girl twins and Chocolate Lab. What makes you a KÜHL Kid? How do you live the Mountain Culture? I was raised to be a KÜHL Kid. My parents instilled the love of nature, fresh air and adventure from the day I was born. I lost that love for a bit as a teenager (why did I love the mall so much?!?!), but I was drawn back to it through the years. Living the Mountain Culture to me means slowing down, enjoying the scenery and taking the less traveled road. Angela_Run_Snow What’s your most memorable adventure? I went on a 5-day backcountry backpacking adventure with my two older brothers the summer I was 17. We carried minimal gear, lived on granola, Mac n’ Cheese and fresh fish that we caught. It was an absolute blast despite the relentless black flies and mosquitos. If you could adventure anywhere in the world for a week or two, where would you go? It’s more like where wouldn’t I go? Norway, Iceland and Belize are at the top of my list. I’m up for anything especially someplace that is off the map and I can hang out, get dirty and be like a local. Who inspires you? I’m inspired by people who defy the odds. Who push when they are told not to. Who get out there and get it done no matter what. What's your favorite piece of gear? My favorite piece of gear for any sport is my SpiBelt. I can carry my phone with me anywhere so I can snap a pic whenever a killer moment arises. I love to chase sunrises on morning runs. I love to capture sunlight streaming through the trees on a snowshoe hike. Angela_Yoga   What’s your worst habit? My worst habit is that I’m a procrastinator. I’d like to think that I work best under a deadline but that would be a lie. What song makes you most stoked to play hard? “There Goes My Hero” by Foo Fighters. I have a whole video of extreme stunts that goes through my head whenever I hear that song. What’s your favorite food and drink after an adventure? Chips, salsa, guacamole and a salty margarita. Best way to end a first date? I haven’t been on a first date in 16 years but I’m pretty sure I can guess the best way is still THE BEST way after all these years. ;) What law(s) have you broken that resulted in a good story? What’s the story? I plead the 5th. Do you have any pets? Do you take them on your adventures? Our Chocolate Lab, Cooper, loves to come along on hikes with us. He’s getting older and is having some difficulty with his hips. After every hike, we always think that may be his last one, but he’s got the heart of a puppy and keeps on climbing. What's the worst injury you sustained from adventuring and how did you recover? My worst injury from adventuring came at the hands of an ex-boyfriend. He was in front of me on single track while mountain biking. He slammed on his brakes (for no reason!) and came to a dead stop right in front of me. I slammed into his back tire and flew over my handlebars, Super Girl style. I got some serious gravel rash that left a huge scar on my knee. I’m reminded of that stupid boyfriend every time I see it. What the fastest speed you’ve ever gone under your own power, assisted by gravity? I may have hit a sub 6 minute mile while running downhill once in my life. Angela_Run_Leaves Genie gives you three wishes and you have five minutes to decide all three. What are they?
  1. World Peace
  2. 1 Billion dollars tax free
  3. Three more wishes
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To fly! I’d be able to travel anywhere in the world without the hassle of getting on an airplane. What’s your favorite thing about KÜHL ? My favorite thing about KÜHL is that it’s all about getting outside and having fun with no boundaries. What’s your favorite piece of KÜHL clothing? How do you use it? The Flight Jacket is my favorite piece of KÜHL clothing. I love wearing it on cool days where there’s dampness in the air. It’s like being wrapped in a giant bear hug. And I love anything with a high collar. When I’m cold, I want my neck fully covered. The best surprise about the women's jacket? The hood that zips up into the collar. Genius! Read more about Flight Jacket in Women's Winter Outerwear Guide. AngelaSnowShoe_2   If your best friend already had your favorite piece of KÜHL gear, what would you recommend to him/ her that functions just as well playing outside as it does in the bar at the end of the day? The Kember or Isla Hoody are so versatile for any activity!


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