Closing out the Desert Climbing Season at Creeksgiving

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
1 min read

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For the climbing community, Creeksgiving has been around for a while at the tail end of fall climbing season at Indian Creek. The valley fills up with climbers from near and far to get together for a week of climbing and numerous fire cooked potluck dinners.

For my group of friends, Creeksgiving started a few years ago as another excuse for a bunch of college friends to road trip during our school break. After graduation, it turned into more than an excuse to climb in the desert. With everyone living in different states across the country, our annual trip is equal parts climbing trip and reunion.

Our families often ask what we eat while we're out there, assuming we're subsisting on canned food or MRE’s. In reality, we all contribute a dish or two: something cooked in cast-iron around the campfire or stone-lined pit turkey pit. Homemade desserts are pulled fresh from the cooler. Together the assortment of dishes create a meal that would give Mom’s Thanksgiving spread a run for her money - just don’t tell her I said that!
Climber, photographer and occasional van dweller, Anthony Johnson can often be found exploring the country on climbing road trips with his wife Kristina and their dog Violet. Follow Anthonoy on Instagram @agjohnsphotography.
KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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