Eternal Optimism with Clay Abney

By clayabney on August 13, 2024
4 min read

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Clay Abney is a PR guru and freelance writer living in the mountains of West Virginia where he spends his days trail running, mountain biking, hiking and working when the mood strikes.  At 45 (the new 25), he still competes in multi-day adventure races and is looking for his next great adventure! Clay_Ziplining What is your most memorable adventure? I grew up camping and backpacking and spent most days running around in the woods as a kid.  If I have to narrow it down to one…I would have to say that it was the summer I spent in Argentina with a scientist studying the socially monogamous owl monkey.  It was like a scene out of 'Gorillas in the Mist'…we lived in the jungles in tents, spent our nights roaming the jungles searching for family groups of these nocturnal primates and waking up in the morning to the sounds of howler monkeys and toucans above us in the trees. If you could adventure anywhere in the world for a week or two, where would you go? I have a running short list of places I want to go…topping the list include hiking the Annapurna Circuit (going to Everest base camp) and climbing Kilimanjaro. Who inspires you? Aside from my family…Hmmmm!  I remember when I was in 7th grade and I read a book by John Goddard called ‘Kayaks Down the Nile’ and was intrigued by his Life List (the original bucket list). I too sat down and created one. and I try to mark a few off every time I get the chance.  I got to talk with John back in 1998 and he continues to inspire me to want to achieve more every day. What's your worst habit? I always believe that FUN is more important than work and sometimes procrastinate getting my work done if a better opportunity arises. Luckily, I found a way to make a living combining my outdoor passions with my professional endeavors. Clay_Sandboarding What is one adventurer stereotype that you embody? That you stray far from? There are two ways to look at a glass of liquid...half full or half empty.  I am totally the half full type and eternally optimistic about every opportunity in life and look to find the best in every situation. I believe that my outlook on life can be summed up with this quote: Thompson_Quote Every day is a new adventure and I look forward to embracing whatever it brings! What is your favorite piece of gear or gear innovation? I have been backpacking since the early 80s when I was in Boy Scouts and I much prefer the gear today than the hodgepodge of gear I had access to as a 12 year old.  I am also the gear editor for an adventure sports magazine so I get to see and review a lot of gear.  As much as I like to disconnect from technology and enjoy my time in the great outdoors…I really like the options that it has provided for training purposes. What law(s) have you broken that resulted in a good story? What's the story? To protect the innocent and myself …let’s just say that a friend wanted a piece of political memorabilia and I had access to it and made it happen for that person. My wife’s grandmother (who was always the prankster) helped make it happen and served as my watch out for the heist.

What song gets you stoked to play hard?
Call me crazy…but I still get pumped to hear Eye of the Tiger while running or biking but can be motivated by almost any big hair 80s hard rock or heavy metal band song.
Genie grants you three wishes. What are they?
  1. Unlimited funds for travel and adventure
  2. Assured good health for myself and family to enjoy the adventures
  3. Kind treatment and FOREVER homes for all of our furry friends
What is your favorite food and drink after an adventure?
After spending a long week, weekend or overnighter, I am always keen to stop at the closest store for an ice cold (preferably over ice) Coca Cola (not Pepsi) and a great pepperoni pizza.
Do you have any pets? Do you ride with them? Of course to both! We recently lost one of our Jack Russell Terriers (he was 15). Our other Jackie just turned 11. She is handicapped, and she rules our house.  We adopted her at 8 months old and were told that she would only live to be 3 years old due to her condition that affects her skeletal muscles and she needs assistance walking.  Therefore, we have a dog bike trailer that converts to a stroller and she is either pulled or pushed every time we get the chance.  When the trail prevents the stroller, I carry her in a front pack carrier so that she can get out and enjoy a beautiful day. What's your favorite thing about KÜHL? I really like the fact that the products are just at home on the town as they are on the trail.  There have been a few times I have been running late and had to go from the trail to a meeting in my Kuhl apparel.


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