How To Start Camping And Hiking

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
3 min read

Getting outdoors to go hiking and camping sounds like a great idea, yet what exactly does this exciting endeavor entail and what equipment is needed? These are some of the questions beginners may have when starting to camp or hike. The good news is the great outdoors can be enjoyed without too much hassle, yet there are some basic preparations needed when camping or hiking. In an effort to help, let's discuss the hiking essentials you need, and how to start camping and hiking prepared.

Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking in North America

While camping and hiking are separate activities, they often go together to some degree depending on the level of hiking involved. When hikers turn into campers along the trail, this is called backpacking. Basically, backpacking requires more gear to be packed and hauled than a simple day hike does.

Whether hiking the trails of Sun Valley, Idaho or setting up camp at a state park in Alabama, the right camping and hiking settings can found to match each person's experience and expertise. At first, this might be setting up camp in the backyard or hiking up a nearby hill located in a city park; either way, being prepared is the key.

Basically, there are fitting options for campers and hikers at every level of experience and ability. With 193,000 miles of trails on federal lands and 42,500 miles of trails on state lands in the U.S., there's a lot of options for the 44.9 million hikers, 9 million backpackers, and 8 million mountain bikers to choose from.

And with 13,000 public campgrounds in North America and countless outdoors areas available to set up camp without a designated campsite, the 40.52 million campers in America have many options to choose from as well.

Being Prepared and Getting Started

The first thing needed to go camping and hiking is the will to experience the great outdoors and have an adventure. The second thing needed is to be prepared with the proper equipment and a plan.

Here's some basic equipment needed to camp and hike:

  • tent
  • sleeping bag
  • water bottles
  • portable propane stove with a propane cylinder
  • pocket knife with a saw blade
  • backpack
  • hiking shoes
  • compass
  • first aid kit (w/sunscreen and bug repellent)
  • sunglasses
  • rugged and durable hiking clothing (w/poncho or rain gear)
  • snake bite kit
  • cooler or insulated pack for food
  • lighter and fire starting sticks
  • flashlight or lantern
  • small hatchet to cut kindling
  • paper maps of area
  • water filtration tablets or device
  • toilet paper and towels

Being prepared makes the difference between a pleasant and safe camping and hiking trip and a miserable and unsafe one. If campers and hikers have these basic items they'll be prepared for most outdoor adventures.

The weather conditions, length of stay, and level of difficulty of the camping or hiking trip will determine the type and quantity of equipment needed. Beginners should start with easier adventures, such as staying only one or two nights at a public campground and hiking easy to moderate hiking trails for a few miles.

Another step beginners should take is planning their camping and hiking trips beforehand. This includes:

  • calling and reserving a campsite (call at least to see if needed)
  • choosing the trails and distance planning to hike
  • knowing where the nearest towns and resources are
  • having some cash to place in the payment envelopes at campgrounds
  • knowing the weather forecast
  • understanding what wild animals are in the area
  • having a spare tire for vehicle
  • fill up vehicle and know where nearest gas stations are
  • telling a loved one or friend where you're going

Whether going alone or with friends, having the proper equipment and planning ahead will ensure a safe and pleasurable camping and hiking trip. When basic needs are satisfied, campers and hikers can focus on the immeasurable beauty and wonder the great outdoors has to offer.

Role of Outdoor Clothing

One of the most important aspects to camping and hiking is having the right outdoor clothing. Wearing durable hiking clothing made for the outdoors will help beginners feel comfortable and be prepared when camping or hiking.

Whether the trail is hot or cold, wet or dry, or a mix, campers and hikers can dress practically and comfortably with well-designed hiking clothing; quick-dry nylon, stretch blend for high heat and humidity, breathable cotton, cargo pockets, convertible pants, waterproof gear, and innovative stitch patterns with hiking clothing can all help beginners feel comfortable and be prepared for any camping and hiking adventure.

KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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