How To Find The Best Cycling Group Near You

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
3 min read
When I turned 35, my attitude changed. While I'd always been a bit out of shape, I started to see it as a waste. How many amazing experiences could I have had, and how much more could I have seen, if I devoted more time to exercise and my physical health? That's why, in 2007, I joined a cycling group a week after my 35th birthday. At first, it was intimidating. After all, many members of the group had been biking for years. I was out-of-shape and out-of-practice. However, I was quickly welcomed and encouraged by my new riding mates. Over a decade later, they're still an amazing source of motivation and company on my rides. I can only hope everyone has the opportunities I've had with their riding groups. Here are a few tips to make it happen.

How Groups Help

All forms of exercise require continuous commitment. A lack of motivation is why 73 percent of people give up on their New Years' fitness goals. Accountability is one of the best motivators. When you join a group, you have others depending on you to stick with your commitments. While cycling is pleasant and enjoyable on its easy days, your group will very likely be the force that gets you over slumps. This is why people are far more likely to stick with group exercise plans. I personally know that on days that I didn't want to get on my bike, my group kept me motivated to keep going. Groups also provide more benefits than motivation. If you're interested in slow and scenic bike rides, joining a group can provide conversation and company on your outings. While it's true that many of us seek quiet and meditative experiences on our wheels, it's also always nice to experience the trails with others.

Consider What You Want

There are many ways to ride a bike. Some want to put on their helmets to check out scenic biking trails. For others, it's about high-speed bike races. Different cycling groups will suit different needs. And while the members of your group will go a long way towards keeping you motivated, the best motivation is doing something you enjoy. If you want a scenic ride, avoid intense racing teams. If you want something high-gear, don't join groups focused on social riding.

Use The Web

If you're here because you googled "cycling group," you've already started on this. The internet is an amazing tool for finding groups that share your interests. Whether you're interested in gaming, knitting, or fitness, there are always like-minded people out there. There are many websites that make it easy to find a group that matches your interests. Check in with a site like Meetup or RideWithGPS to see if there are any locals you can bike with!

Talk To Members First

If you have multiple groups near you, make sure to talk to group members before joining. While many groups will offer newcomers the opportunity to ride with them, talking to members is about more than just the group's rides. A conversation will help you understand the social dynamics of your group. I left the first cycling group I joined because of toxic dynamics between members. Had I spoken to others beforehand, I likely would have joined my current group instead. To enjoy your cycling group, you need to enjoy both the workout and the friendship. So these conversations are absolutely essential.

Get the Right Gear

As I mentioned, joining cycling groups can be intimidating. One of the things that makes it that way is gear differences. It's not unusual to spend your first ride wearing a light shirt and comfortable shorts alongside people in more professional clothing. Having the right gear can help you avoid these early problems. Our clothes are tailored for outdoor activities and are comfortable, lightweight, and able to handle various weather conditions. In the long run, that means a lot less sweating and damage on your workouts. A cycling group is a great first step to fitness. Let us help you along the way. Featured Image from KÜHL Bike Team Bio: Dallas Fowler.
KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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