KÜHL Bike Team Bio: Dallas Fowler

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
3 min read

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Dallas Fowler is a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, FIRST Robotics mentor and bike junkie. Having developed a passion for racing while completing his Bachelor program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he continues to ride and race under the colors of the KÜHL Bike Team. What makes you a KÜHL Kid? How do you live the Mountain Culture? Living in Wisconsin since birth where the temperatures can reach triple digits in the summer and well below zero in the winter means you’ll most likely find me outdoors regardless of the weather forecast. I’ve always got an itch to be outdoors biking, skiing or snowboarding, even when most say the weather is unbearable. If you could adventure anywhere in the world for a week or two, where would you go? I would enjoy the chance to travel across New Zealand or a large portion of Australia by bike, who wouldn’t want to bike and see wild Dingo’s or kangaroos (hopefully at a distance). Who inspires you? My uncles in Las Vegas inspire me. It’s difficult to capture their level of social engagement and philanthropy in words but the work they do and causes they support are far reaching, having positive impacts on so many lives. They are one of a kind. What’s your favorite piece of gear? I don’t go anywhere without my DeFeet wool arm or knee warmers. What’s your worst habit? Other than getting water everywhere washing dishes, my worst habit is forgetting to open the window when cooking bacon. Don’t get me wrong about bacon, it’s about 50% of my diet, but sitting at your desk at 3pm smelling bacon isn’t my girlfriends idea of a great afternoon. What song makes you most stoked to play hard? Anything by DaftPunk. What’s your favorite food and drink after an adventure? Bacon and La Croix What’s the worst injury you sustained from adventuring and how did you recover? About 6 years ago, right before upgrading to big wheels, I had a mountain bike crash at a collegiate race and suffered an avulsion fracture of my right greater trochanter. Basically I was in my early twenties with a broken hip. It was a challenge after taking so much time off from training and competing to resume racing but taking it one event at a time and trying to have more fun made the road to recovery more enjoyable. Since then I have tried to incorporate more fun into my racing and have had some fantastic results all while not being so serious. What the fastest speed you’ve ever gone under your own power, assisted by gravity? Before Strava was a thing and Al Gore created the internet, the second part might be an exaggeration, I reached 55 mph in a downpour while descending parts of the Tour de Georgia course with former teammates during a January training camp. Do you have any pets? Do you take them on your adventures? I have an 18 pound Rat Terrier named Scout that does tag along with me to races and soon will hopefully tag along on a ride once in a while when our new Ruffit Carrier arrives in the mail. What’s your favorite thing about KÜHL? I'm proud to be part of a brand that understands the value of making products with high quality materials that last the test of time. Oh, and have you seen their Unimog? What’s your favorite piece of KÜHL clothing? How do you use it? I would have to say the KÜHL Team ¼ Zip is by far my most worn article of KÜHL clothing. The natural ability of wool to regulate body temperature and keep you warm, even when wet or damp, makes it an essential piece for layering during fall, winter and spring.

KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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