KÜHL Bike Team Bio: KC Holley (Update)

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
1 min read

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KC Holley is a member of KÜHL’s Pro/Elite Cycling Team. She lives in Spanish Fork, Utah, and when she’s not pounding the pedals, she works in R&D as a Technical Communications and Education Manager.


What makes you a KÜHL Kid? How do you live the Mountain Culture? I would rather be in the mountains than almost anywhere else. They provide peace and tranquility, as well as thrills and exhilaration. If you’re looking for “something” going up is probably the place to find it. What’s your most memorable adventure? Riding the Alpine Loop during a June rain to discover it was snowing at the top and being so cold on the way down that I had to pull over a couple times, while Chris (my husband) laughed (with my permission). I ultimately had to find a ride down the remainder of the way. But the climb was awesome.


If you could adventure anywhere in the world, where would you go? Moab, Utah Who inspires you? My husband, Chris What’s your favorite piece of gear? 1x gearing and remote lock-outs What’s your worst habit? Bobbing with my pedal stroke. I don’t know how to stop!


What’s your favorite drink after an adventure? Chocolate milk What’s the worst injury you sustained from adventuring and how did you recover? Broken bones (elbow, wrist, foot). I just kept riding in the cast and brace. What laws have your broken that resulted in a good story? At 17 I was pulled over for speeding on my way to school. Not really a big deal, but it was on the border of Illinois and Wisconsin. The police officer made me follow him to the Wisconsin police station because I did not have the money to pay for the ticket on me. He said due to extradition laws he could not let me go. I had to wait there, in tears, until my parents could get me the money.


What’s your favorite piece of KÜHL apparel? The Jetstream Trench is just plain awesome. For work or casual wear, it’s very versatile.

KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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