KÜHL Bike Team Bio: Paul LaStayo

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
2 min read

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Paul LaStayo was raised in a suburb of NYC and has rambled around the mountain west since high school. He now lives in Salt Lake City and works as a physical therapy professor at the University of Utah. What do you love about sports and cycling? I love the feeling of gliding - be it snow, water, dirt or asphalt, so I find moving from one mode to another revitalizing. Racing bikes in all forms, which I began in the mid-80's, added a whole new dimension after years of more typical team sports.  To this day, the crowd behavior of a road peloton still excites me and racing on dirt in the mountains takes me to new and exciting places, but I find the mix of the two in cyclocross to be a focus these days. I love the speed, skill and multiple laps of cross, and the opportunity to rail something that you flailed on previously. The camaraderie and silliness of it all also captivates me. It is the physical and mental effort, the environment and the people that make it a blast. I feel really lucky that after a couple hip replacements I can still go out and bang elbows during the race and drink beers after. It is a Kuhl life. Paul_Wasatch Who inspires you? My wife….really! I cannot keep up with her ability to love, play, laugh, work and generally kick the pants off of life. She is my inspiration! LaStayo_Ambassador What is your favorite piece of gear? Bald is beautiful, but I do love covering the dome with a trusty beanie. What's your worst habit? Reality TV What song makes you most stoked to play hard? Typically something hard from the 90’s gets the juices going. Killing in the Name is at the top of the list. What's your favorite food and drink after an adventure? Whatever my Kuhl buddy and teammate Mark brings. What's hot? Our sistas on the Yeah She's Hot cyclocross team. If you could adventure anywhere in the world for a week or two, where would you go? Deep down at river level in the Grand Canyon with friends old and new. Do you have any pets? Do you take them on your adventures? I hate how much I love our dog Tino.  He typically comes everywhere with us unless it involves flying. What's your worst injury sustained from adventuring and how did you recover? I have two total hip replacements and for the life of me I cannot remember why….but there must have been good reason(s). What the fastest speed you’ve ever gone under your own power, assisted by gravity? I think it's in the mid-50’s (mph), but I'm not sure because my eyes were closed. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I would love to inflict tolerance upon the world…pretty lofty I know but wouldn't that be cool. What law(s) have you broken that resulted in a good story? No convictions….nuff said! CON_Paul What’s your favorite thing about KÜHL? KÜHL is adventure wear - whether for work or play. The company has the culture figured out, and we are all stoked to be a part of it. What’s your favorite piece of KÜHL clothing? How do you use it? I use the light Parachute Jak for everything. It is in my pants pocket, back jersey pocket or stuffed into a tiny backpack. I love to whip out that garment to cut down on the chill, wind or rain.

KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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