KÜHL Bike Team Bio: Robynn Masters

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
2 min read

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Robynn Masters was born in the mountains of Colorado and now lives and plays in the mountains of Utah. An accomplished athlete, Robynn qualified for the Olympic Swimming Trials in 1980; was inducted into the University of Utah Athletic Hall of Fame for swimming; competed as a professional triathlete, mountain biker, and XC ski racer; and still competes as a Master's athlete in local cycling races, masters and open water swimming, and ski mountaineering. She loves to play hard and end each day exhausted. What makes you a KÜHL kid? How do you live the mountain culture? I live and breathe the mountains on a daily basis by mountain biking, cross biking, gravel biking, road biking, e-biking, ski-mountaineering, skate skiing, snowshoeing, swimming, hiking and dog adventuring. What's your most memorable adventure? Mountain biking the Wasatch range or desert in Utah with my beloved soul-dog, Coyote by my side. Although he is gone now, I still feel his presence whenever I’m in the mountains. robynn_coyote If you could adventure anywhere in the world for a week or two, where would you go? Cycling through the Bavarian Alps robynn_bike2Who inspires you? Anyone showing extreme kindness. And I've always loved this quote by Lucille Ball:

I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.
What's your favorite piece of gear? Any type of bike What's your favorite food and drink after an adventure? A veggie burger, sweet potato fries and a cold, amber ale What's hot? What's not? Hot: Empathy/Not: Greed What's the worst injury you sustained from adventuring? How did you recover? A road race crash scared the bejesus outta me and left me with a concussion and stitches. R&R and a bit of sacral-cranial work did the trick for my recovery. What's the fastest speed you've ever gone under your own power? I recall road bike drafting a semi -truck and hitting 55 mph in my younger and more foolish days. Now I avoid descending anything fast (unless my hair were to be on fire). kuhl-dawgsDo you have any pets? Do you take them on your adventures? I have three rescue mutts: Lily, Ace and Tootsie,  They go everywhere I can take them and even some places I’m not supposed to take ‘em. What law(s) have you broken that resulted in a good story? What’s the story? Excessive speeding points while driving in my high school days resulted in a three-month suspension of my driving privileges which introduced me to riding bicycles. Genie grants you three wishes and you have five minutes to decide all three. What are they?
  1. To know all unsolved mysteries of the world
  2. To possess time travel capabilities
  3. To give a wish to someone in need
What's your favorite thing about KÜHL? I love their mountain grown philosophy of getting outdoors and having fun. What's your favorite piece of KÜHL clothing? My Spyfire Hoody keeps me toasty warm!
KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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