KÜHL Bike Team Bio: Scott Kylander-Johnson

By benwhiteskis on August 13, 2024
3 min read

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Name: Scott Kylander-Johnson Age: 40 Location: Duluth, MN Favorite thing to do other than ride a bike? Play my 4 and a half year-old daughter and read.

Scott tearing it up in a race

Scott, what's your most memorable ride? Moab, UT: ride up Sand Flats Rd, to La Sal Mnt. Loop road to Kokopelli single track, down to UPS, LPS, Porcupine Rim Trail and eventually down to H 128 and ride back into Moab for the complete loop. Would love to include the Whole Enchilada on this ride but there is too much snow in April during our trip. If you could ride anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go? British Columbia Who inspires you? My wife, Sara. That was a good answer to who inspires you. You can't be perfect, what's your worst habit? Napping What is one biker stereotype that you embody? That you stray far from? I have a tattoo that I got in Rapid City, South Dakota during Sturgis. It is small, on my ankle and has green, purple and black for hues. I'm sure the "real" biker dude is still chuckling about it. Even though I am addicted to xc racing, one of my favorite things to do is throw on a back pack, grab my fendered commuter and ride to and from work in the rain or shine. Favorite gear innovation you have seen? Clutch rear derailleur Favorite piece of gear? My KÜHL bib shortsBiggest peeve about gear? Disc brakes that constantly rub What law(s) have you broken that resulted in a good story? What's the story? I got pulled over by a MN State Trooper one evening while riding my bike home from work. He pulled me over for rolling through a stop light and for not having a blinking rear light on my seat post. After a long discussion in the 28 degree howling wind about what it takes for a fella to receive a warning (I had never got one up to this point), he told me to get home and remember to come to a complete stop at all red lights and put a light on my bike. One of my favorite quotes: "I fail all the time. That's why I have success." Michael Jordan What's your biggest insight to fat (really fat) tired bikes? One of my favorite things to do in the winter is Nordic ski. However, I got a fat bike last winter and learned a lot in a few rides. Biggest thing to think about when getting a fat bike: Get 100MM rims (or bigger if you can) and put on the widest tires that will squeeze into your rear triangle.

Scott pushes hard to go faster

What song makes you most stoked to ride? Kara Dean - The Ike Reilly Assassination Favorite food and drink post epic ride? M.O.A.B Miguel's Restaurant in Moab, UT If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play your role? Chris Farley A genie gives you three wishes and you have five minutes to decide all three. What are they? Get my daughter to ride without training wheels, always have dinner on the table made by someone other than me or Sara, ride more with Sara Best way to end a first date? With an awkward goodbye. Most visited website?skinnyski.comWhat would you do if it was the end of the world tomorrow? Grab my wife and daughter and go for a bike ride. Would you rather fail or never try? Failure every time Do you have any pets? Do you ride with them? We used to have two Siamese cats, Bartleby and Kissa but I'm deathly allergic to them so we had to give them away. Worst injury sustained from biking and how did you recover? I slipped off a dewy bridge at the Buzzard Buster at a WORS race about ten years ago. The guy right behind me fell too and ended up slowing himself down but wedging his foot into my crotch. In the end, my testicle got pushed back up my inguinal canal (where it descended from 40 + years ago) and it has since atrophied away and disappeared. Time has healed this injury and now I am lighter and have less "junk" to get in the way while mounting my bike. Best part about the story is that it was a mass start race so about 1000 people got to see me groaning while naked on the side of the trail. What the fastest speed you've ever gone on a bike? 130mph on a motorcycle



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