KÜHL Donates $5,000 to Save Our Canyons

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
1 min read

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Save Our Canyons received a $5,000 donation from KÜHL to assist their mission to educate the public and further the goals of protecting the natural environments around Salt Lake City, Utah.


The organization has worked for over four decades on various local, state, and federal levels to advance their mission of protecting the wildness and beauty of the Wasatch Range. Save Our Canyons is actively involved in the land planning processes and raises awareness on issues of concern through various outlets and community events. Their extensive volunteering program helps get citizens actively involved in public land issues.

A breathtaking image of a hillside capreted with red flowers, clouds cover the top
Three seasons of foliage, red maples and fall snowstorm near Midway, Utah. Photo Credit: Howie Garber

Like KÜHL, Save Our Canyons is comprised of professionals, recreationists, cabin owners and city dwellers who value open spaces to play, ponder, pray, and explore. Their current campaigns include preserving the Wasatch Wilderness and creating a Wasatch National Monument; furthering research and forward thinking for the Mountain Accord Process; and getting more kids outdoors through their Save our Canyons Kids program. Carl Fisher, Executive Director of Save Our Canyons, said, "Thanks to KÜHL for their generous support of Save Our Canyon's efforts to protect the Wasatch Mountains.  It's important to us to have the support of local businesses to help us in our efforts to place permanent protections on our cherished lands."

About KÜHL Throughout the year KÜHL makes donations to organizations that share our values to defend human rights and preserve wilderness. We’re honored to be able to support Save Our Canyons in 2016.

KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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