Mount Vernon, Washington: A Town for Tulips

By PN Wanderers on August 13, 2024
2 min read

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It's officially spring in the Pacific Northwest, and the weather is predictably unpredictable. Some years April brings sunny, tank top weather, and other years (like this year) it brings wind, rain, and chilly temperatures. Weather aside, we make the trek to Skagit Valley every year to enjoy the tulip fields. Running the entire month of April, the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon, Oregon is a feast for the eyes and a dose of inspiration. The winters here are long and grey, so we eagerly await the tulips' arrival each spring.

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

This was our fourth year attending the Tulip Festival. In previous years, we were graced with sunny skies and warm temperatures. Rain was in the forecast this year, but we were determined to continue our tradition. The saying "there is no bad weather, only bad gear" is always relevant in the Pacific Northwest as the weather changes with little notice. KÜHL rain gear in tow, we made our way to Mt. Vernon.

Row after row of vibrant tulips brighten a rainy spring day in Skagit Valley.

There are a number of events in the towns surrounding Mt. Vernon, but the tulips are the headliners. Visitors can explore two main tulip farms: Roozengarde and Tulip Town. In previous years, we primarily visited Roozengarde, but this year we wanted to highlight Tulip Town. Tulip Town has a lovely indoor area with gorgeous tulip specimens on display, places for photos, lovely painted scenes decorating the walls and signs outlining the history of tulip-growing in the area. Vendors sell artwork and gifts, food and beverages, as well as face painting for kids. This indoor space was a nice respite from the rain and chill.

Stacy explores the indoor rooms in Tulip Town.

Helpful Hint: Before heading into the fields, be sure to enjoy the gardens dedicated to Veterans, the International Peace garden, windmill, fountains, original homestead and waterwheel, flags, kites, and statuary.

We carefully made our way around the brilliant rows of color. While we were disappointed the sun was nowhere to be seen, we were delighted with the way the raindrops clung like diamonds to the vividly hued petals of the flowers.

The rain became an unexpected asset, further accentuating the beauty around us.

Stopping often, we admired each new hue and variety of tulip; we employed a tactical strategy to step in the driest spots and avoid interfering with the photographs of those around us. We spent about an hour and a half navigating the fields and enjoying the landscape.

Brandon avoids the puddles in Tulip Town; pictured in KÜHL ARKTIK JACKET

Initially saddened by the rain, the weather turned into an advantage. The crowds were far smaller than years past, and the droplets on the petals made the flowers appear jewel encrusted. We were well-prepared for the rain in our KÜHL apparel. Outfitted properly, the weather couldn't dampen our spirits.

Stacy stays warm and dry in KÜHL W'S JETSTREAM TRENCH

Rain or shine, the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is a visual treat. Mark your calendars for the month of April and join us next year!

PN Wanderers
PN Wanderers


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