Nepal Earthquake Relief

By benwhiteskis on August 13, 2024
1 min read

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News of the massive 7.8 earthquake in Nepal has focused the world’s attention on the plight of the survivors. It is now estimated that over 7000 people were killed by the huge seismic event, with close to 15,000 injured. This doesn’t take into account the tens of thousands of people whose homes have been destroyed. Many international travelers who are a part of the climbing and trekking community have been affected as well, with 19 people at Everest Base Camp confirmed killed by an avalanche that came off the mountain, triggered by the earthquake.

This town of Namche Bazaar is similar to Thame. Both have been destroyed
This town of Namche Bazaar is similar to Thame. Both have been destroyed

Apa Sherpa, the greatest climber in Everest history, now resides in Salt Lake City. His foundation, the Apa Sherpa Foundation, was created to empower individuals throughout the world to follow the example of Apa Sherpa in overcoming adversity and today endeavors to provide the opportunities that Apa never had to the next generation. Primarily focusing on education and economic opportunities in his hometown of Thame, Nepal, Apa has shifted his focus to providing as much disaster relief for those in and near his home town, as well as the rest of Nepal. His most recent update on 4/27/2015 stated that "EVERY house is destroyed" in his hometown. Tents, especially sturdy ones, are the most valuable thing that can be donated. Funds for air support to move supplies from Kathmandu to other areas of the country by airplane and helicopter are also highly necessary. We at KÜHL have had firsthand accounts of what is going on in Nepal from our friends. We have chosen to help by contributing to the Apa Sherpa Foundation, along with many of our industry partners. The Apa Sherpa Foundation is taking 100% of these donations to use for relief in Nepal. If you are interested in helping, you can find the Apa Sherpa Foundation here.



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