Sweating and Smiling with Allie Burdick

By vitatrain4life on August 13, 2024
5 min read

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Allie Burdick is happiest when sweating or writing. She's a competitive athlete and has represented Team USA in duathlon competition. When she’s not running, swimming or biking, she’s writing her health and fitness blog VITA – Train for Life. Allie lives in the Northeast with her husband and twin boys, desperately trying to make gentlemen out of them all! What makes you a KÜHL Kid? How do you live the Mountain Culture? I cannot sit still. I love to be outside. I thrive on competition. I sweat at least once a day. Health means everything to me and I have passed that onto my twin boys. When your mother dies of cancer when you’re 17 years old, you learn to value health and family above all else. It’s the very best way I know to honor her memory. I also never feel as close to her as I do when my veins are coursing with endorphins! What’s your most memorable adventure? Besides carrying and delivering healthy identical twin boys to term, representing Team USA at the World Championship Duathlon in Spain in 2014 was my most memorable adventure so far. It was so amazing not just because I realized a huge goal of mine but my entire family (including my dad and stepmom) as well as my coach and her husband (who was also racing) made the trip with me. After the race, and a week in Spain, we traveled south to Portugal for another week of relaxation and celebration. It was truly the adventure of a lifetime. Allie_Duathlon If you could adventure anywhere in the world for a week or two, where would you go? I would go to Cuba with my father. In 1958 my father and his family escaped from their home in Havana, Cuba, because of the hostile takeover by Castro. It’s a fantastic story complete with them leaving behind their aristocratic lifestyle, friends, family, house and all their possessions. I can only hope that I will be able to return with my father in his lifetime. I believe they also have a marathon… Who inspires you? I try to find inspiration everywhere. My family definitely inspires me, as well as elite athletes, but I’m also inspired by friends who reach goals they thought were unattainable, or the person who is back of the pack runner. I think it’s especially hard to drag yourself out of your comfort zone, stare down your fears and just go for it. When someone tells me I inspire them, that is the highest compliment. What's your favorite piece of gear? My favorite piece of gear is the Garmin Vivoactive watch. I even sleep with it on. What's your worst habit? I suck at hydrating. Allie_Swim What song makes you most stoked to play hard? Work B*tchh by Brittany B*tch What’s your favorite food and drink after an adventure? Bacon cheeseburger and a Sam Adams beer, but I settled for paella and red wine when in Spain. Best way to end a first date? Sleeping…but not what you’re thinking. The “first date” my husband and I had after the twins were born was an early night and exactly what we needed! What’s hot/what’s not? I have zero clue because I’m old. What’s hot to me is a two-hour massage, once a month. What’s not? Women putting down other women or bullying and being caddy. Hate it. Do you have any pets? Do you take them on your adventures? I want a dog so badly but my plate is too full right now. I’m a firm believer that every boy should have a dog. I’m also a realist. I know I will be the one taking care of the dog so, as soon as mama is ready, we will get one! I also cannot wait to have a four legged running buddy!   What's the worst injury you sustained from adventuring and how did you recover? My worst injury was a torn ligament in my right hand while snowboarding during college. We didn’t take notes on computers then. I think I still have some of my notes from trying to write with a cast and/or my left hand. They are practically illegible. I recovered like any college student would – junk food and beer. Genie gives you three wishes and you have five minutes to decide all three. What are they?

  1. Unending health for myself, and everyone I know.
  2. To be four inches taller. < - - For running, swimming and biking purposes
  3. For everyone to be able to eat whatever they wanted and still be healthy and thin!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Super speed of course! What law(s) have you broken that resulted in a good story? What’s the story? Unfortunately for me, every time I broke the law it ended up being a very bad story! At least I think I have learned my lesson…maybe. What the fastest speed you’ve ever gone under your own power, assisted by gravity? I’m not really sure. I can run a sub 6 minute mile and I think the fastest I have gone on my bike is maybe 45. Allie_Bike What's your favorite thing about KÜHL ? The people! The whole team is amazing, responsive, honest and they make hella great clothing. What’s your favorite piece of KÜHL clothing? How do you use it? So far my favorite piece is the Lea Pullover. I have three so I wear one almost every single day. I usually wear it to the gym, change into my workout gear and then change back after a good sweat session and hot shower. It’s like putting on a blanket. If your best friend already had your favorite piece of KÜHL gear, what would you recommend to him/ her that functions just as well playing outside as it does in the bar at the end of the day? I would have to say the Klaudette pant is my next favorite of the things I have. I love that they're not jeans or black yoga pants but are just as comfortable! It’s a nice change up without losing comfort since that is obviously of the utmost importance!


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