Trail Report: Twin Falls

By PN Wanderers on August 13, 2024
2 min read

Towering Trees, an Autumn Path and Twin Falls

Twin Falls is located along the South Fork of Snoqualmie River, in between Snoqualmie Pass and Snoqualmie Falls, within Olallie State Park. The trail leading to the falls is aptly called Twin Falls Trail, and it’s about 3 miles round trip, a little further if you hike beyond the falls to the John Wayne Pioneer Trail. The name is a bit deceiving as there are three falls in total, but the towering Twin Falls are the highlight of the trip.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu


One might say the journey to Twin Falls begins with 1,000 steps. This trail is replete with steps, wooden stair steps, and bridges.


It was a classic Pacific Northwest day, misty, chilly and rainy. The trail begins adjacent to the Snoqualmie River. The powerful sounds of rushing water served as the soundtrack for this trip.


The quickly dwindling remnants of Fall were evident all around. Leaves of reds, oranges and yellows painted our path.


The damp air kept us cool as we worked our way up via a series of switchbacks. Soon a set of benches and a distant view of Twin Falls greeted us. We paused briefly to take some photos and take in our surroundings. The trail turns downward then up again, more steps, a bridge and more steps again.


Then, WOW. The 135-foot Twin Falls steals the show. With the recent rains, the fall was swollen and forceful and we could feel the spray as the water collided with the water and rocks of the river below. Mind you we were 80-100 feet above on the observation deck.


Back up the stairs and continuing on leads to an 80 foot wooden foot bridge and views of Upper Falls, as well as back down the river toward the trail head. While the leaves were falling, the forest was still lush and full. Hillsides of ferns, mosses, mushrooms and innumerable other fungi forms border these trails. As soothing and peaceful surroundings as you could possibly ask for.


Continuing yet further the trail heads nearer a highway and sounds of traffic begin breaking through. The trail connects with the John Wayne Trail, and we trekked down a bit before returning the way we came.

Stacy and Brandon stay dry in Jetstream Trench and Jetstream Jacket

This trail isn’t particularly long or strenuous, but the grandeur of the falls are a tremendous payoff. Such beauty and wonder to be within such easy reach, is a shame to pass up. So don’t!

PN Wanderers
PN Wanderers


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