Trip Report: Helvellyn Lake District

By Hinturland on August 13, 2024
2 min read

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The Helvellyn Lake District in England is known for its rugged mountains, glacial ribbon lakes and adorable Hardwick sheep, three of the many reasons it’s such a memorable place to visit. We’ve spent many years exploring its craggy fells. To this day we still find thrilling new places and are still fond of the 'old.' Helvellyn_1 The jagged spine 'Striding Edge' leads up to Helvellyn’s plateau and sees a staggering amount of walkers each year. It’s classed as an exposed Grade 1 mountaineering route in winter but one that should never be underestimated by any stretch. Helvellyn_2 On a recent trek, we started low in the valley and ascended via Mires Beck, reaching the snow line at 450m. A gigantic rolling wave of clouds was approaching, and in mere minutes we became enveloped in its milky vapor. Suddenly we were only able to see a few meters in front of us. Knowing at some point our visibility would possibly become impaired, we kept a close eye on our exact positioning on our 1:25 000 map and continued to hand rail a crumbling stone wall up the mountainside. Helvellyn_Sophie_Clouds When snow falls, nature listens. Each step we took broke the gleaming ground, causing it to crinkle like unironed bed sheets. Helvellyn_Grass Soon the weather cleared, and it became a perfect day. The now wispy clouds lazily drifted apart to reveal Helvellyn’s 950 meter peak and its surrounding summits. Helvellyn_Sophie_Peaks The meditative value of being in the mountains as a duo or alone is unbeatable, and we’d highly recommend quality hill days to anyone - provided they know how to read a map. Like John Wayne in our crampons, we made it across the knife edge ridge and safely to the other side. One wrong move and we would have  plummeted to a very painful stop on the dark boulders below. Helvellyn_Reuben Eventually we made it to the steep slope leading up to Helvellyn. Here the snow was deeper, and we broke trail by flicking our ice axes and digging our toes into the mountainside to secure us. Reaching the summit was otherworldly. We suspect we won’t see another day like it. Helvellyn_Sophie_Sunset The sun was slipping behind the mountains in the distance, and the snow glowed a dusty shade of rose. Without a cloud in sight, we could see for miles. Helvellyn_Sunset It was a slow sunset so we had time to drink it all in before we made tracks for a descent. Helvellyn_IcePicks Soon the full moon lit up the valley. Not needing our headlamps, we lowered onto Swirral Edge and from there meandered through the trenches of heavy snow created by the daring few who had gone before us. Helvellyn_Reuben_Dusk Both tired and beaming with success we stumbled back into the Sprinter ready for some well earned dinner...but not until we first celebrated with some port and cheese. Helvellyn_VanView

Hinturland co-founders Sophie and Reuben voluntarily live in a MWB Sprinter van in relentless pursuit of outdoor adventure, personally and as instructors. They immerse themselves in the UK mountains they call home, taking part in a full range of dry and wet activities, including mountaineering, trail/fell running, climbing, canoeing/kayaking, mountain biking and tree top swinging. They believe adventure is a mindset and that your attitude determines your direction. Sophie and Reuben will almost certainly try anything at least once.


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