Warm Weather Hiking Trails: Salt Lake City, Utah

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
3 min read

Don't Skip These Hiking Trails Near Salt Lake City

Every year, countless people visit Salt Lake City to experience our wonderful scenery and hiking trails. And with National Geographic calling us the best hiking city in America, that doesn't seem like it's going to change. That being said, living near so many great trails can be a curse. Every year, I meet hiking enthusiasts who visit Utah while missing some of our best trails. And while I can usually steer them on their way, I always feel sorry for the many tourists who will never see some of these beautiful sites. With that in mind, here's a helpful guide to the best hiking trails near Salt Lake City.

White Pine Lake

White Pine Lake is the perfect destination for either a day hike or a camping trip. While the trail has become more popular in recent years, I'm always disappointed that so many people miss out on this amazing destination. If you like calming and vibrant watery views, the deep blues of White Pine Lake will keep you more than satisfied. There are also plenty of times that you'll hike through lush, green forests in silence and tranquility. The lake also achieves a stunning geological effect. When you stand near it, surrounded by mountains, you will truly feel as if you're in the hand of nature. That being said, White Pine Lake is not for everyone. Because the trail is bumpy and difficult, it's best to leave the kids at home. I made the mistake of bringing my ten-year-old once, and we ended up turning back after an incomplete hike. In addition, dogs are not allowed on the White Pine Lake trail. If you want an underrated, naturally beautiful back-trail, White Pine Lake is one of the most incredible hiking trails near Salt Lake City.

Desolation Trail to Salt Lake Overlook

The Desolation Trail is one of the best day-hikes Utah has to offer. Located incredibly close to the city, this trail offers the chance to become one with nature while catching incredible views of the city below. The trail itself is a feast for nature lovers. It offers everything from mountains and forests to meadows and flowers. Desolation Lake forms the centerpiece of the trail, and it's an absolutely beautiful sight. Of course, the mountainous terrain is a big part of what makes this trail great. Luckily, Desolation is one of the rare trails that offers high-altitude beauty for beginner hikers. The trail climbs over 1200 feet but does so gradually. That means you'll have plenty of time to catch your breath and catch some sights along the way. Because it's close to the city, I hike this trail every couple of weeks. Now that you're aware of it, I hope to see you there.

Photo by Olivia Hutcherson.

Bell Canyon

Bell Canyon is one of Utah's most popular hiking destinations. While this isn't a hidden gem, it also isn't a trail you'll want to miss. It offers absolutely beautiful sights including waterfalls and wildlife without alienating hiking beginners. Essentially, this trail can be divided into two sections. The first half-mile is easy and will take you to a stunning waterfall. This section is great for tourists and beginners. When I'm in the mood to challenge myself, however, I continue to the upper reservoir. While this is only a mile away from the first waterfall, it's an incredibly challenging section of the hike. If you have the experience and are willing to climb and sweat, this mile is one of the best hiking trails near Salt Lake City for fitness enthusiasts.

Explore KÜHL Hiking Clothing

Whether you want an easy day hike or a long trail, you need to be prepared. So before your trip to Utah, shop at KÜHL. They offer great outdoor wear for men and hiking clothing for women, and all of our equipment is designed to suit the needs of serious hikers. That's because everything they produce is made with weather-resistant fabrics, a breathable form, and tough material to handle the gravel and sweat of any serious hike. You will absolutely love visiting Utah and hitting the trails. See you there! Featured Image by Olivia Hutcherson.

KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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