White Water Rafting: The Way of Paddling

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
4 min read

Nowadays, people do not get enough exercise due to their busy daily routine. Most people prefer to do other activities if they have some free time like watching TV or videogaming. However, exercise provides ample benefits both for the body and mind.

If you like the great outdoors , suspense and action, white water rafting is a perfect outdoor activity for you. While you are in the water, adrenaline is drousing through your entire body. What a feeling! All rafting enthusiasts probably understand what i mean. If you are a newbie, you should definitely give it a try. This is a unique experience which you will remember forever. Let's get some white water action!

What is Rafting - Some Reasons to Love it

Firstly, white water rafting is the most popular recreational sport all over the US, especially Colorado. The goal is to maneuver an inflatable raft-vessel (made of PVC or Hypalon Neopren) through a wild stream. It goes without saying that the hull is totally flat in order to avoid sharp rocks.

The strong air chambers usually consist of multiple layers of high quality material and they are able to fight «white waters». Teamwork and great manoeuvrability are the two keys to success. It can be a thrilling and exciting experience as you have to avoid many obstacles.

Undoubtedly, this activity will give you the opportunity to connect with nature and approach it from an other perspective. It is a real body and mind booster.

We would like to underline the fact that it is the greatest way to teach your children to work together. All the members must achieve one goal and the way to do that is teamwork. Keep in mind that after a long paddling day you will be exhausted!

Adventure, excercise, fun.. all in one.

How to select a rafting paddle

The paddle is your propeller and the engine of your vessel. However, there are several paddle types and you should know which is suitable for you.


Straight: The majority of rafting enthusiasts use a straight shaft because it provides an effortless paddling experience. A great choice for beginners. Bent: This paddle is highly recommended for experienced paddlers as they hold the paddle tighter. Manoeuvrability is a great plus here. Bent shafts minimize the pressure applied on the wrists.


As far as the blade is concerned, we would like to emphasize that it depends on the paddling style. Generally speaking, a large blade is more «powerful» and you will have better strokes. On the other side, children and unexperienced paddlers will find it difficult to use a big blade.

Scale of Difficulty

Additionally, our beautiful country has ample rivers and each of them is different due to the various geological structures. There are fast moving rapids, powerful currents or extremely harsh rivers. Nature created these wonderful «miracles» and they are worth of experiencing them at least once in your life.

Each river or rapid has a water dynamic. Consequently, the American Whitewater Association created six difficulty scales. You should definitely pay attention at this scales and choose the suitable grade for you.

This scales depend on your skill level. Safety is the first thing you should take into consideration.

Level 1: As it is the first scale, it is considered to be the easiest level. Calm moving waters deal for small paddlers and beginners. Some rivers may have small waves. Actually there is no risk.

Level 2: Here you will need se manoeuvrability skills but nothing important. You will find two or three feet waves but the risk level is really low. If you tried rafting one or two times you are able to hit level two rapids!

Level 3: Well, it seems like it is an intermediate class. The waves are slightly bigger and some obstacles cannot be avoided easily. Narrow passages and powerful streams are the main characteristics which you will find.

Level 4: Take a deep breath! Recommended only for advanced paddlers. You will have to come face to face with big waves, paddle through narrow currents and avoid dangerous obstacles. Undoubtedly, a good boat handling is inevitable.

Level 5: A high experience level is definitely important here. The risk level is really high.

Level 6: This is the last level of the scale. EXPERTS ONLY. Any error could lead to severe injuries.

Appropriate Clothing

First and foremost, you should wear comfortable clothes. Heavy clothes sacrifice freedom and you cannot manoeuvre the vessel. Hats, watches, earrings etc are strictly prohibited.

However, the most important thing that you should take into consideration is the material. Your clothes should dry fast after the trip.

KÜHL Tip: If you like winter rafting you should avoid cotton. It is really important because it does not dry quickly.

If you are planning a rafting trip you should be fully prepared. Synthetic clothes dry fast and maximize your comfort levels. Please check the following list:


  • Swimming Suit
  • T shirt
  • Shorts
  • River Shoes
  • Sunglasses
  • Tank tops


  • Long Sleeve Shirt
  • Fleece or wool jacket
  • Neoprene Gloves
  • Long underwear
  • Socks
  • River Shoes
  • Water-resistant Pants
  • Rain jacket

Please remember: No Cotton During Winter! You can check some clothes from our store which is definitely a good choice for this outdoor activity.

  1. Skar Crew Shirt: It is made of Merino Wool and it will keep you warm during these long and cold paddle tours.
  2. Revel ¼ zip jacket: This is a lightweight and soft fleece jacket. The outstanding feature? It dries really quickly. Warm paddler=happy paddler.
  3. Stealth ideal for Summer Rafting Tours: The T shirt utilizes 100% polyester. Nice breathable material and 30 UPF Sun protection.


Finally, it is not all about the equipment. Having fun is our priority and nature offers thousands of ways to do that! Rafting is one of them.

Specifically white water rafting is really adventurous . It is an unforgettable experience that will teach you many important things. Piloting a vessel, avoiding obstacles.. What is not to love?

Thank you for reading and do not forget to check our online store.

Stavros Alexiou

KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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