Trip Reports

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1 min read
Nicole Goodman takes a trip to Costa Rica and has fun ziplining through the trees and feeling the sand between...
0 min read
The More Than Just Me foundation has created a project called More Than Just Mountains, where Tommy Danger...
0 min read
By Brad Steele With old mining sites to explore; easy access from Nelson, British Columbia; and plenty of...
3 min read
I’m beyond tired. My gaze into the space is empty and my mind, also empty. My eyes are gritty with dryness. My...
8 min read
A message came across my feed a couple months ago from a friend I haven’t seen in a few years. He’s a skydiver...
3 min read
After our epic ascent of Mount Katahdin via the Hunt Trail , we decided to descend Abol Trail for a change of...
4 min read
Many scoff at Mount Katahdin, calling its summit unimpressive at only 5,270 feet. But when you start at 1,000...
2 min read
By Ben White From the University of Utah campus, looking south-east gives a student between classes a view of...
12 min read
Originally posted as Elephants Perch: Mountaineers Route on George Dirth's personal blog Grand Lines. Enjoy...